SAER Elettropompe S.p.A. is a leading Italian producer and supplier of surface and submersible pumps and motors, with over 60 years’ experience in the Italian and international market. A specialist in the clear water sector, where we offer all-round solutions, SAER provides its customers and partners with maximum flexibility and innovation.
Our centrifugal electrical pumps and submersible and surface motors have a wide range of applications. SAER offers reliable, made-to-measure solutions which can meet all requirements in various different sectors: civil, industrial, agriculture and irrigation, underground extraction, mining, oil and gas, water treatment.

Saer surface pumps
Saer submersible pumps and motors
Italian-made quality is an essential requirement and conscious investment for a company which from the very beginning has built its reputation on production process control and the reliability of its end results.
SAER is the direct producer of over 1,300 different types of submersible and centrifugal pumps and motors, which we export all over the world. Our extremely high levels of warehouse availability and production speed, which is on average four times higher than that of our competitors, allow us to offer a wide range of solutions which is always kept up-to-date to meet every water lifting and pumping requirement.
Centrifugal electrical pumps
Eletric submersible pumps
Multistage vertical electric pumps
Multistage horizontal electric pumps
Wet-end motors