Designed for tough applications and critical processes, ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm tank-bottom valves provide the highest level of reliability and safety

Five ranges of valves with 14 valve types
Manual or pneumatic actuators, limit switches and solenoids
Diaphragm materials include silicone, EPDM, Viton and PTFE with special materials for repeat steam cleaning
Delivering purity and reliability, ASEPCO Weirless Radial tank bottom valves are preferred over weir style valves which can introduce product entrapment, leakage and be high maintenance.
ASEPCO valves have an easy diaphragm changeover principle – taking less than a minute to complete in most circumstances.
ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm tank-bottom valves
No tools needed and no special training required
Integrated, non-adjustable travel stops
Flush mount design and simple clamp assembly
Diaphragms materials are USP Class VI and FDA CFR 177.300 tested and approved, with extensive steam and lifetime testing. This means they complete an impressive continuous 100-hour testing in 132-137C, with actuation every 20 minutes